MPC Medical Director Named Co-Chair of Major Medical Toxicology Conference
Doyon addresses "The Changing Faces of Antidotes" in her role as co-chair and moderator for the American College of Medical Toxicology's Annual Scientific Meeting in San Juan, Puerto Rico.
By: Malissa Carroll
Friday, March 29, 2013

Earlier this month, the American College of Medical Toxicology hosted its Annual Scientific Meeting in San Juan, Puerto Rico. The topic of this year's meeting was "The Changing Faces of Antidotes." Suzanne Doyon, MD, FACMT, medical director of the Maryland Poison Center (MPC) at the University of Maryland School of Pharmacy, was invited to serve as co-chair and moderator throughout the event.
According to the American College of Medical Toxicology, the treatment of toxic exposures is a continually evolving process for which many factors can drive change. The identification of new poisons, development of new therapies and treatment approaches, and fluctuating drug shortages, among other factors, impact how medical toxicologists like Doyon treat poisoning and overdose patients. This year, participants who attended the organization's Annual Scientific Meeting discussed how the landscape for addressing these and other clinical challenges has changed in recent years.
"The field of antidote research is constantly advancing, and all health care professionals can benefit from hearing about promising new drugs and revisiting treatments that employ older antidotes," says Doyon. "Those who attended this conference were updated on a new, investigational drug called silibinin, as well as the antidote for cyclopeptide mushroom poisoning and the administration of dextrose as a cerebroprotective agent for salicylate poisoning. Presenters also discussed intralipids and N-acetylcysteine administration."
The conference highlighted participants' original research and featured a poster session to showcase other cutting-edge research. Small group breakout workshops, multi-track professional development sessions, and enhanced fellow-in-training activities were also included in the agenda.
For local health care professionals who would like to receive training on how to manage and treat poisonings and overdoses, please contact Lisa Booze, PharmD, CSPI, professional education and clinical coordinator for the MPC, at (410) 563-5583 or