Rate Our Service
Have you recently called the Maryland Poison Center (MPC)? Please take a moment to provide feedback about the service that you received.

Caller Satisfaction Survey:
If you recently used the services of the MPC, please take a few moments to complete our caller satisfaction survey to assist us with evaluating and improving our services. Your participation is voluntary and your answers will be included in a general summary, not linked to your call to the poison center. Complete the public caller satisfaction survey now.
Health Professional Satisfaction Survey:
If you are a healthcare provider, please take a few moments to complete our health professional satisfaction survey. Regardless of whether or not you have used the services at the MPC, we are interested in knowing how to serve you better. The results of this survey are confidential and will be used only to evaluate and improve our services to the healthcare providers in our service region. Complete the health professional satisfaction survey now.
Post a Review on Facebook:
Did you know that the MPC is on Facebook? If you recently used our services, please consider leaving us a review on Facebook to share your thoughts and experience with others. Post a review now.
Share Your Story:
A personal story can be a powerful tool. Whether you called about yourself, a family member, or one of your patients, share your story to encourage others to use our service, spread the word about poison prevention and help us improve our service. Your name and your story will not be shared with anyone without your explicit consent. Share your story now.